With development happening in areas that were once off limits, due to demand, folks HAVE to now inquire about watersheds/drainage. AND WHEN BUYING, WHO THINKS ABOUT ASKING THESE QUESTIONS? Shoot, they hardly understand watersheds, flow, basins etc. ( especially if you arent from the area )
Over development wreaks havoc on drainage infrastructure ( natural and man-made ) especially when NO IMPROVEMENTS ( new canals, new drainage areas ) are made to get the water to where it wants to go, with minimal property loss.
We have a subdivision not far from where i am going up on land that was deemed "uninhabitable" by USACOE. The developer is going to reclaim it thru bringing in soil, build it up. So 10-15 acres of land that was once a "drainage path" with 1000s of oaks/pines etc that would swallow up the water, clear cut and built up. So now that same water has to find ANOTHER way to watershed, putting other established neighborhoods at risk since they were built based on prior topography.
Developers are changing the landscape, literally.
I live on a creek and was an X zone. in 2024, FEMA remapped me and now im A15. Went from $697 to $2800 for flood insurance. With all the NEW development DOWNSTREAM from my home/creek and development further up St. Tammany that the creek is drainage to take to Tchefucnte River, its a matter of when, not if any longer.
I got insanely lucky in 2020- within 6 inches of my home that sits 25ft above sea level. I suspect that we ever get another 10 inch rain event in 8 hrs, ill be filing a claim.