2024 Tropical Weather Thread
Yeah, there are places that are actually safe from flood, but pretty much so anywhere in the New Orleans area is not. With all the levees, lakes, and rivers surrounding the area all it takes is one levee breach and you will need that insurance even if you don't live in an area that floods from rain. And there are areas outside of the levee system that are subject to tidal flooding from any of several lakes.
the new flood mitigation talk is protecting Laplace ( River parishes ) from Lake Ponchartrain surges during storms moving water into lake from GoM.
So if they erect a wall on the SW side of lake, that water will still look to go somewhere. Where? Lake Maurepas and Northshore , where there is no protection but for maybe areas with a 4-6ft bulkhead/raised land.
and where the water runs into that, until above that level, will find every river and estuary to run up into.
The largest issue on the Northshore isnt heavy rains ponding up on streets....its when you get heavy rains AND south surge that reverses the flow of the Tchefuncte river ( or slows it to a crawl ) and creates a whole new set of issues for every creek, basin, watershed or estuary that drains into. They cant.
So then the water piles up- and up and up until it overflows the creek, stream, basin and starts to spread out.
there are no plans to build new drainage in St Tammany to account for the increased development and future development, which puts my home at a higher risk ( hence the move from non-flood to flood zone )
and unless you pay attention to this kind of stuff, you are at the mercy of Mother Nature.