Harry Potter TV Series

To me it's always been clear that Deckard's a human. Deckard has human memories, which would make him a Nexus 7, like Rachel. No one at any point indicates that Deckard is a hugely expensive prototype replicant sent out with a license to kill. Who the hell would sign off on that?
Deckard also gets his butt handed to him by Pris, a pleasure model and he's helpless against Leon and Roy. Again, who'd send out a hugely expensive prototype to hunt beings that can tear it apart like a rotisserie chicken?
Why would Gaff bother saying "It's too bad she won't live!" if he knows Deckard is a replicant? He'd surely know.

Not to mention how the point of the story falls apart if everyone's a replicant. You get no "What does it mean to be human?" question, you get no contrast between a man whom the years have not treated kindly and the replicants who would take those unkind years in a heartbeat just to live a little longer.

It's been a long time since I read the book and I only read it once so I don't recall all the details you do, but I guess I always thought that Deckhard being so human (along with Baty) supported the idea that the replicants had become more human than the humans who created them and that humans had lost their humanity.

But, that could just because I've seen the movie so many times and listed to the White Zombie song More Human than Human too many times.