Despite the author of Ready Player One being the screenwriter and Steven Spielberg being the director for the silver screen adaptation, Ready Player One was devoid of all the things that made the book incredibly satisfying. The biggest issue though was probably nerfing the novel's hero. Wade Watts went from being a basically a genius who has to rely on his own wits to overcome poverty and homelessness to a kid who just happens to stumble on to something that helps him meet some really cool kids that end up having to rescue him. He went from being brilliant and self reliant to just plain lucky. Never have I looked forward to a movie so much. It seemed to have have done everything right. Director...perfect choice, the best choice. The author co-wrote the screenplay. Casting was solid. The movie was the biggest theatre letdown I ever experienced. I was in a room full of book fans at a debut showing who were all audibly disappointed with each scene.
I've heard that people who didn't read the book found it enjoyable. I just wish I could forget this movie. Can't wait until I can tell AI to make an animated version of the book so that I can enjoy what could have been an amazing experience.