Japanese is so damn hard

One thing I've found difficult in reading Japanese is that there is no spacing between words.
So this,"日本ごほんを読みます"

日本ご = NihonGo = Japanese Language
ほん = Hon = Book
を = one of the many ways to say 'o' but used in separation of a subject and verb
読みます = Yomimasu = read or reading

What's funny about this is that you've got a Kanji character for YO (読). What is the point of putting a kanji character for a single syllable when you have a very simple Hiragana or Katakana character for that very same sound. :shrug:
I mean, the rest of the word is in Hiragana and very easy 読 = Yo, み = Mi, ま = Ma, す = Su (the 'u' is silent in this case).

In other words, these words are a real PITA...

You know, like this guy..