The broken promises of the NFL concussion settlement
As a young attorney I worked on cases defending the tobacco industry from claims that their products caused cancer in smokers. Back then the playbook was always the same: Do a comprehensive investigation into all the potential pathologies in a plaintiffs' background and then argue that any one of them was as likely to have caused the cancer as tobacco smoking. Diet. Drinking. Drug use. Workplace exposure. Anything but the most likely cause. It's the same drill all over again. Sleep apnea is why the ex-player has dementia? Not the thousands of blows he suffered to the head. Not the multiple concussions. Not CTE, found in almost all players' brains with dementia post-mortem. Sickening. The judge and or the political system should land on the NFL with two-feet and force them to stop playing games. Enforce the standard medical definition of dementia in settlement claims. Streamline the review process deferring to the treating physicians diagnosis of their patients instead of second-guessing them. And threaten the league with draconian penalties if they fail to do right by these former players they claim to care about...