Allen better not mess around with naming Rattler QB#2

I will never understand why this is such a big deal to fans. It's crazy! We have spent more time this off season discussing what Allen better do with the number 2 QB spot than anything else.

We are keeping both, it does not matter who gets the number 2 nod. If and when this bad OL gets Carr hurt, then we can worry about it. Rattler could be the number 3 and Carr get hurt in week 8, Rattler in those 8 weeks could make up the difference and then be the number 2. Rattler could be the number 2 and regress and be the 3.

I have given Allen hell over the last year, but this just seems like a lot of people looking for a reason to pile on. Spencer looks more like a NFL QB than Jake has yet in his career and Spencer certainly is more athletic with the ball in his hands which is valuable with a terrible OL like we have. So, I think he should be the number 2, but it isn't the end of the world regardless and unless Carr gets hurt or is just awful you would not see Spencer as a starter here until the season after next.