
just vote em out already huh EU? what in the world are you waiting for?
If there was no good reason to keep them, it'd already have been done. My guess is it allows for lines of communication.

Oh and it's not like this is particularly new. Austria's law allows for espionage so long as it isn't against Austria.
§ 2 5 4 . S p y i n g o f s t a t e s e c r e t s .1) Whoever procures or retains a state secret with the intent of makingit known or accessible to a foreign power, to a supranational or internationalorganization, or to the public at large, and [with the intent] of therebycreating the danger of a serious detriment to the defense of the AustrianRepublic, or for the relations of the Austrian Republic to a foreign poweror a supranational or international organization, shall be punished withimprisonment of six months to five years.
§ 2 5 6 . S e c r e t i n t e l l i g e n c e s e r v i c e t o t h e d e t r i m e n t o fAustriaWhoever, to the detriment of the Republic of Austria, establishes or operatesa secret intelligence service , or gives any kind of support to such anintelligence service, shall be punished with up to three years’ imprisonment.