Lattimore - Possible Trade Partners Now That June 2nd Has Passed

You really bumped this thread again with another essay? Why is this necessary?

I was replying to another poster in this thread. Did you not read why?

So someone a SR member created a thread polling members if they'd trade him for a RT, what's wrong with posting your thoughts there if you want to speak on it?

I didn't post at all in that 4 page thread because my thoughts are broader than that thread subject matter and I don't need your direction where to post them at.

Funny thing, you don't have a single post in that thread either, but you return here to find fault with my posts here. Are you stalking me dude? Just ignore the thread, or better yet, do us both a favor, ignore me and all my posts if you must. I don't post here for recognition and certainly not for your acceptance.

This isn't the first time you have replied to my posts with similar disparaging comments. I encourage discourse and differing opinions

You're not linking any new information. It's yet again, more speculation pieces. This is really strange behavior from the OP. Guy replies to a post from 2 pages back and over a month ago that he's already replied to multiple times with a nonsense post containing no new information. 🤦‍♂️

This thread is Titled Speculation. Must I remind you of that again?

There was an article I cited from 3 days ago on the subject matter. An entire new thread here about trading Lattimore.

Before coming at me did you bother to go tell everyone writing articles at Bleacher Report, Saints Wire, and everyone else here to knock it off?

This isn't the first time you have replied to my posts in this thread with similar disparaging comments. The mere mention of trade speculation of Lattimore seems to stoke your anger. This is supposed to be a happy place where Saints fans are allowed to share information, facts, thoughts and opinions, with open discourse that may differ from one poster to another. Your replies in this thread are anything but that.

Could it be that you are still butt hurt from the exchange below from page 5 in this thread?

Do you look into what you're trying to shove down peoples throats, or are you just scratching and clawing for anything that'll fit this infatuation of yours?

Source to trade rumor? Let me give you a little help. Dustin Panadero of Bleacher Report is not a real person. Doesn't exist.

What they're attempting to cite is this Bleacher Report article where someone named Ryan Fowler gives 4 trade ideas that he thinks make sense, with Lattimore to the Vikings being one of them. There are zero sources. Zero new rumors. He's speculating based on old trade rumors from several months ago paired with the Vikings need for a cornerback and their cap space.

Zero sources. Only speculation.

Good day, sir. :cool:
Nobody is shoving anything downs anyone's throat, but your tone is pushing the envelope here. You've read me wrong if you think I'm infatuated with "this".

It's not my job to do a deep dive journalistic approach when simply posting an article or video that's on the internet for all to see. However, to maintain my integrity as a member posting on SSF, an internet forum for open discussion as it is, I usually state if I am certain that it is factual information, or, possibly mere speculation, or worse, just clickbait. Factual information can't be refuted. Opinions, speculation, and rumors, whether true or unfounded, are up for debate. It's up to the reader to be willing to accept the facts when presented and proven as such, and it's up to the reader to decipher the rest for what it may be. Agree or not.

Along with the videos I posted earlier today I accompanied both with some statements that may have gotten past you while reading my posts.

Some of which are:

From My 1st Post Today, 1st Video - It's merely speculation at this point

From My 1st Post Today, 2nd Video - This video leans heavily on speculation without citing any source of rumors.

From My 1st Post Today, Generalization - We're in the dog days of summer with just over 2 weeks remaining before Saints training camp opens. There's not much going on with player movement right now. In the meantime, sports outlets try to find a nugget here and there and in some case manufacture news with mere speculation which serves as clickbait for their platform to those starving for information.

From My 2nd Post Today, Reply - You may be right as the article you've provided is by Ryan Fowler of Bleacher Report and dated July 7th, 2024. To your point, that's a made-up trade idea.

Could there be substance coming from a second voice possibly hearing it elsewhere or could it merely be a colleague regurgitating something and growing artificial legs underneath it?

Probably the latter.

Good Day To You As Well.

Who appointed you to the Posting Police Department here?

Congratulations on your speedy conclusion to determine it was based off of speculation Columbo.

In your haste to solve the case you stumbled over the first clue.

The word Speculation is highlighted as a pre-fix in the Thread Topic Header.

This entire thread is based off of speculation.
Who knew?

Speculation: The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Have A Good Day! :cool: