Predict the Score - 2024
Rules of Game
Here is a short explanation and it is not scientific as I created this a few years ago in about 4 hours time.
There is a total of 100 points possible each week.
50 points for the score. Basically, you lose .5 for each number away from the score. Let's say you predicted the Washington Football Team to have 30 and the Saints 24 and the actual result is Football Team 31 to Saints 24, then your score total would be 49.5. If you miss badly on this either way, it could be a large hole in your score.
25 for predicting the winner. 0 for getting it wrong.
12.5 each for the tie breakers and these work similarly to the score but use smaller increments.
There were a few players that hit the score exactly last year but I don't believe anyone has registered the perfect 100 score. <::> Predict the Score
Once you click the link to the Predict the Score site, hit the button that says "Connect to SR" and it will do the handshake and find your username. From there, click the Entry link to put your entry in for Week 1 and beyond.