says the Saints won't make the playoffs

I’m no big fan of Carr or Allen but this is kinda ridiculous to me. You’re letting something that happened 5 plus years ago and a HC define your saints interest.

You call yourself a casual observer yet think you have the entire team figured out by position and predict a win loss record on top of that. Who are you trying to fool here in your “interest” or self described lack there of? Us or you?
I just don't enjoy the NFL product anymore. If the Saints were interesting (not just good, but actually entertaining) I would probably still watch. They're the dullest team in the league though. So freaking boring to watch.

NFL jumped the shark. I haven't watched a single non-Saints NFL game in three years and don't miss it at all. I watched I think three Saints games last year but still casually follow the team out of habit. But each year it's less and less.

I've watched enough football though to know a good vs bad team and this one has all the hallmarks of very bad.

Lame duck HC.
Unpopular and polarizing QB.
Bad OL.
Aging stars.

Find me one historical example of a coach with Allen's track record or Carr's that was any good. You don't have to have intimate knowledge of the third string LG to look at the setup of this team and know it's not going to be good.