I no longer listen to Anton. He whines like Limbaugh. Always the victim. Always someone holding back
The situation is too complicated for such absurd concrete statements made in a vacuum. Ukr didn't have the logistics, soldiers, maintainers, educators, trainers, or even manuals in Ukrainian to be effective with all that gear dumped on them. At least at US base, it's available should it be needed by NATO and out of enemy air and artillery systems reach.
I think a little perspective is owed to him and every other Ukrainian that reports on the war in Ukraine.
Many of them, like Anton, are Ukrainian. Generations of Ukrainians before him. In small towns and settlements, or even bigger cities, that have been, are currently or eventually will be targets by RuAF for inflicting as much carnage and damage to civilian infrastructure as they possibly can. They report the happenings every day, 5-10x a day, for the last 2.5 years. The mental toll has to be enormous.
Couple that with feeling helpless in a situation that requires all the possible help you can get. Out-manned, out-gunned and out-manufactured ( at the start ) and you combine all that into having to remove your feelings from the reporting.
So what he laments the fact of seeing 1000s of pieces of equipment sitting in a bone yard somewhere in the US? its not like he does this on a daily basis. But it is a stark reminder that had we committed more, EARLY on, we would be at a point where Ukraine would have plenty of soldiers trained on said equipment to operate and provide additional strength to whatever task is at hand.
Im sure you are aware of the old adage "the squeaky wheel gets the grease ". I guess you have to ask yourself if there is some truth to what he is saying. For me, there is.
I agree, EARLY on, logistics, soldiers, maintenance, educators or trainers werent enough. Which is exactly why we should have recognized this conflict for what it really was. Not some special military operating to protect Russians in parts of the Donbas or Crimea- it was a full scale invasion to capture the entirety of a sovereign nation of people who didnt want to be invaded and ruled by Russia/Putin.
So i think adding some perspective to your formula is warranted.
I dont think he is deserving of the "whiney" label imo.