Allen better not mess around with naming Rattler QB#2

Agree with your entire post, but wanted to focus on this part. I saw on a different site where someone noted that there’s a type of cynicism that’s the prevailing attitude in New Orleans, and now it’s even getting to the football fans. I’m far from home so I’m not sure how true that is, but for someone else to identify it must mean there’s something there.

It’s also often been stated on social media, when engaged in team v team smack talk, that “your words can’t hurt me because I hate stuff about this team more than you do” but those feelings were always internal thoughts that only made their way out on gameday as the games played and the results became official. “There goes so-and-so stinking up the joint again!” as he misses on a crucial play as we all commiserated. Now, the team sites can’t so much as post a hype video without rampant negativity pouring in from people who say they’re fans of the team!

Im not there to see the attitude of the city, but I will say that when I talk to my friends, those I thought would never consider leaving NOLA, they now talk about selling everything and moving to Florida..
As far as the board and fans, it’s just like everything else in this world today. The haters always have to be the loudest, and incessantly refute any counter arguments. It helps to make up for their lack in numbers.