
I think Russia knows that if they use nukes, it will be their downfall. Everyone, including China, will cut them off from everything. They think these sanctions are bad? If NATO didn’t decide to step in on this war, the economic blow back for Russia would be catastrophic. They would be alone except for NK and Iran. Even Hungary would have to shun them or risk the same fate.
I totally agree. But if an individual rules completely, as does Putin, and he thinks that he's going down, he could very well want to take the world down with him.

To be clear, I'm not advocating a particular position on the proper speed and level of support to Ukraine. I'm only suggesting that it's all too easy for folks who don't bear actual responsibility, and who don't have access to obtained intelligence and true expertise and advice, to sit in an armchair and say we should do this or that.

I, too, am frustrated with the slow and limited level of support for Ukraine. But I'm willing to trust the decision-makers who have such intelligence and expertise at their disposal -- especially in the absence of a personal political driver being the reason for holding back such support.