My guess: Caitlin & Angel will garner co-Rookie of the Year honors

Fans - by and large - seem to prefer rooting for teams vs rooting for The Shield
I don’t want to go to a Pels game and hear people rooting for Luka or Lebron
The League likes that
The League is wrong
You do recall people cheering for Jordan, Bird and Magic when they went on the road, right? People recognize greatness regardless of the sport or generation. Just because fans cheer at times for an opponent player doesn't mean they're rooting for the shield. Those great players are definitely a drawing card, especially vs a road team who is having trouble selling tickets.

And for all the talk about individual teams and players, more fan interest pays the bills. Rising tides and all that.

And I do agree with your sentiment, but the youth movement, be it from Caitlin or any of the young up and coming talent is good for the league. A lot of old guard players didn't like Jordan, Bird and Magic coming in and stealing the limelight. A lot of old guard players and fans didn't like Kobe and LeBron coming in and stealing the limelight. They would all say stuff like they're great, but no Jordan/Bird/Magic. Times change. And it's time to welcome the new generation of players with open arms.

And this is me speaking as a huge Jordan mark.