Sunday Ticket Will Be Priced At $300/Year With A Possible Cheaper Single Team Option

Sooooooooo, I will take my medicine right now.

My fandom seems to have superseded my principles. So, I’m watching the free weekend of NFL RedZone and was close to convincing myself that this is the way to go. It was decent but it is definitely not like watching the games. I had stuck to my guns and said, nope, not buying it………..right up until a good friend of mine texted at halftime and said, “Hey, you wanna go in with me and brother and do the “family plan” on the Ticket?” To which I replied, “Oh HELL YES!” He's a Cowboy fan and up here, the game was not being shown due to the Commanders game. That set him free. We did all the communicating and verifying and lo and behold, I’ve got my Sunday’s scheduled. The second the game came on, I yelled, “WE’RE BACK BABY”…….much to my wife’s chagrin.

Yes, after all my ranting and raving and declaring no way, I acquiesced and bowed down to the almighty NFL greed machine and am watching the games. Albeit for a third of the price for the year, like the old days of DirecTV but watching regardless. I can stomach that.

Like that famous line uttered in Brokeback Mountain: “I WISH I COULD QUIT YOU!”

I can’t though…….