We may never see this Again when it comes to Qbs

Yeah that golden era is over. And it’s an ebb and flow thing, prior to the QB era you had the RB era. I currently feel this is a WR era.

Phillip Rivers, Russel Wilson, Jay Cutler and Matt Ryan were in that era too.

Defenses are also playing more 2 high to combat. I think that’s the reason Payton is struggling offensively. It’s a system that wants to throw the ball down field but defenses aren’t allowing it, and yet it’s also an offense that would rather pass to set up the run than run to set up pass. I’m sure it’s very frustrating for him

A frustrated Payton is a pass happy Payton

The best offenses in the league right now can run the ball or threaten run via formation
taken from the Denver Broncos forum:
This HC is completely clueless and has no sense of how to utilize the Running Game and has Bo Pix Nix throw it 45 plus times....Really,.............The GM needs to fired immediately I am still dumbfounded how he still has a Job when George Payton is without a doubt the worst GM in the NFL..........The play calling is atrocious and predictable... Do a real rebuild and Fire them all and restart the program once again. Honestly the Denver Broncos should have never fired HC Jerry Roseburgh and real HC that knew how to use the Running Game to Help The Pass Game.........Don't get me started on the rehire of Vance Jospeh and the hire of the OC who is calling these plays? Time for yet another Miserable Year. The Denver Broncos have been officially eliminated lol