It also doesn't help that many cops are on TRT or other testosterone elevating substances and are walking around with 1000+ testosterone levels. That this sort of thing doesn't happen more often is surprising. At this level, you have far from a walking rage machine. TRT is used to bring you into a normal male range, hormonal speaking. It testosterone levels by way of TRT= rage, 90 percent of older males would be out there yanking people from their cars. Just stop with the blame it on TRT hot take, it’s garbage.
There definitely seemed to be a sense of entitlement to TH. Why he didn't keep his window down was a little wierd. He was being a bit rude to the police, but last I checked that was not a crime. Arresting someone for no reason is a crime though.
But the jump from "put your window down" to pulling him out of the car seemed to be pretty quick.
The police are supposed to be the professionals in this situation, escalating it like they did was extremely unprofessional. "Mr Hill please keep your window down for the next couple minutes," would not have hurt the officer and deescalated the situation quickly. It gives police a bad look and then they wonder why the community is uncooperative with them.