Missing Sequels

One of my favorite movies of all time is Predator. To me it's an absolute masterpiece in the genre. John McTiernan is underrated. In his prime he was one of the best storytellers out there. Obviously Predator is a franchise with a few good sequels. I love Predator 2 and Predators was solid. Prey was fantastic.

But I feel like there was a missed opportunity to explore the events after Predator and what happened to Dutch (Arnold). I think this was Arnie's best role and it would've been cool to see him tracking Preds and facing off with them again. In the comics his brother is a cop in NYC and the Preds search him out. That would've been interesting. Pretty much Predator 2 but with Dutch and his brother.

This is more of a do over though. Not a missing sequel.
In Predators, the Lawrence Fishburne character was originally written to be Dutch, but it didn't work out so they rewrote it.

Speaking of aaahnold, I'm mad we never got a Conan 3 or King Conan movie