Sirius 124: Aaron Stecker will be on within the Hour
Summary of the Aaron Stecker interview on Sirius 124 [03/01/08]
Sirius 124: Aaron Stecker will be on within the Hour
figured I'd let you guys know ;)
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Another thing these guys are pretty good at staying on top of the FA and everything going on.
Talked about the brief FA period he went through said this...
Q: What was your approach to FA after playing in NO?
A: Once I became a FA they offered an extention, but I wanted to see what others had to offer. I want to be apart of something special going on there.
Went on to say they needed to plug up the D and because the offense can put points on the board they'll be on the right track.
Said that McAllister was doing really well and was ahead of schedule. That he is working really hard, doing rehab every day. Said he is real important, when he went down it was a big blow. To the team and the community including the whole gulf coast region. He's very important.
Talk about the things they tried with Bush, him and the others after McAllister went down. Said they're going to try and go back to the plan of 2006.
Then continued to talk about him growing up in Green Bay and such...
Didn't have my program to record on this computer :( sorry.