My Favorite personal memory of Deuce ..I live in northan California and the Saints came to play the Raiders (when they were still in Oakland) and I went to the hotel they were staying at to meet players and get autographs. I was in a line and Duece walked up and Said "I'm happy to meet and sign for kids only". I was trying to get my McFarland figure of Duece signed. I handed it to him and said this is for my son he is a big fan. He said where is he? I said not here. Duece said that's too bad he could have met me and handed it back without signing. A year later Saints were in the Bay Area again and this time I brought my son. Duece walked up and said the same thing to the group in line. When it was my turn Duece looked at me and my son and said "oh good, you brought you kid this time" He was amazing , he signed the figure and took pictures with me and my Son. I couldn't believe it, it was a year later and can't even begin to guess how many people he had to meet and sign for inbetween and he remembered!!! What an amazing feeling he gave to us