The "come clean" thread, dish out and eat your own crow

Before the season I thought the Saints would be a 7 to 9 win team this year, but also thought there was a chance things would unravel. Through the preseason I said I wanted to wait to see how things unfolded with a new OC and scheme before going negative and I am glad I did.

Overall I was deeply worried about the OL, running game, and offense in general. I had no idea a new creative OC with a good scheme and coaching would totally flip the offense.

I didn’t like Carr’s attitude or play for most of last year and thought the last few weeks of 23 were fools gold against weak teams. He looks totally different this year so far and I think it’s great this system doesn’t require him to be hero of the offense. I think having him work in more of a game manager role (but one with an elite deep ball and better than average wheels) is the way to get the most out of him and put the least pressure on him.

I knew AK was still elite. He was a victim of Pete’s offense and I was one of the few blaming Pete for the bad offense since the Atl opener in 2022.

I would love to see us get more pressure with our front 4, but otherwise there is not much to complain about with the D.

My lack of faith in Allen was always based on his losing past as an OC, his willingness to stick with Carmichael for way too long, gutless calls he made in games because of our terrible offense, and all the dissent caused by the awful offense and failures in big moments we endured for Allen’s first two years. His hiring of KK and totally giving him the reins is a great move. I will be happy to be wrong about Allen if he continues to keep things going in the right direction.