The "come clean" thread, dish out and eat your own crow

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus his style of running is so different from ... anybody. He's not a grinder using up his lower body to get power and has amazing natural balance but also, I think, his regimen is geared towards maximizing that. Just my rank supposition but I think all of this -- plus that we're not using him up -- tends towards a longer career.

I've heard interviews about people trying to tackle him and he has a natural way of absorbing the blow. They think they have him but he just kind of absorbs it and flows with it for a few miliseconds then keeps going. Almost the opposite of Henry.

He has almost the ideal style for Zone running.

I thought after last year he might have lost a step or two as he had no big gains to give us hope. I'll admit to being confused as to his production the last 2 years as he looked as fast but was getting nothing. But I'll blame that all on Pete as you can see his influence on the Broncos - on paper they should be better this year but they are not, the big addition being Pete.