The "come clean" thread, dish out and eat your own crow

Sorry, but I'm on the Crow-free diet. While I was not a big defender of DA I was hopefully optimistic that he would right the ship. He hired the guy I wanted in KK almost all along. I did think that Waldron would be a good choice but wanted KK just as much and way over the Zac Robinson Dan Pitcher, Beiniemy ,Jerrod Johnson crowd.

I've been a big Carr defender from day 1. Especially against the Raider fans that came on here talking crap and even personal attacks until they got banned. And all of you that called him CARRBAGE and said he wore eyeliner and gave him grief for going to Chipolte's His 1st day here with his family ( yeah you know who you are )

And last but most satisfying is my staunch defense of Trevor Penning. 905 of you people called him every name in the book. Garbage , A wasted pick , a bust. The worst O lineman in the league. Let's trade him for a half order of Beignets. I told you all , look beneath the surface with TP, how he was injured most of the 2 yrs he was here. How he was getting better every game and should have not been benched, That Marrone was an awful OL coach. I got called everything but a child of God and things like " What are you his Dad" and " What does he have on you ". It's you people that need to eat your crow raw and squawking. Welcome to the crow buffet , I'll be your server for the meal