My wife passed away

I am so sorry for your loss...i cannot even imagine what your feeling. My other half just lost her very dear grandmother last week and we have been in shock not believing she is gone. All I could come up with for my other half was to remind her of all the great times and hold on to the special moments. This is what I would tell you...Remember all the little giggles and smiles you got in those special moments. remember the special journeys and not so special journeys that landed you in weird places that the two of you just looked at each other and could only grin cuz it was a messed up moment but it was your moment. Every one of the journeys you two took together for 22 years were unique to just the two of while in the pain none of that would be possible without the journey...I know us weirdos here can only say so much but we all carry each other and support the way we we are all here for you. Even this dummy from new mexico...hang in there and just know we are here for you come day or night...we will always listen when you need someone to talk sorry for your loss...