Eventual O-Line Vulnerability?

This is one of the issues we absolutely will face this season and the questions becomes not if but when.

Nobody has gone undefeated in 50 years - so at some point we will be on here looking at the reasons we lost a game or two or three…

Everyone is really high on the Saints now and the offense. It’s exciting to the fans outside of Saints fans because the fans are growing bored of the Chiefs and the same old same old. They want to see a new thing - and through 2 weeks, it’s been the Saints.

While the media is now dumping praise on Carr and Kubiak - one person has been more cautious and that’s Mike Florio and though some have accused him of being a hater, I think I agree a lot with his view.

He said, in essence, “I need to see what this offense does when it gets punched in the mouth!” He sees that it’s kind of a buzz saw now but at some point, a team is going to get the blueprint on how to fluster and frustrate Carr and how to trip up the offensive line and neutralize Shaheed - and that’s when Kubiak is going to have to show that he’s a next level coach and playcaller.

I think we are better than anyone gave us credit. I think we can be special if the momentum continues to build - but at some point - there will be adversity and how the team responds to that will decide if we are a contender or a true flash in the pan