Eventual O-Line Vulnerability?

Our run blocking is elite. It is currently nearly unstoppable and has the league in a frenzy to stop it. The issue is, what if a team DOES stop it? What if we get behind and are forced to pass? We get lucky on home runs but the line is not built to pass block. Im worried about this one dimensional aspect of our line if a team goes up on us a couple scores and tees off on our line forcing us to pass. We are so starstruck by the rungame we need to consider what happens if its not going so well.

Panthers & Cowboys were playing to stop the run. The LB were closers to the line. A couple of Yankee Concept big plays and their D were in their heels, not knowing what to do.

The TE leak will keep a lot of team honest with going all out to stop the run. Though Moreau TD was called back for OL being 2 yards downfield, he was wide open.

The mistake with that play was they fooled the defense so much that McCoy & Ruiz had no one to block. Had they been able to engage someone at the line, they could had driven them back a couple of yards and not be called for ineligible players downfield.

Look at the Panthers game where Shaheed leaked. Both McCoy & Ruiz was able to engaged at the line and drive him back a couple of yards. Panthers D overcommit to the run and Shaheed was pretty open.

The Saints O-line is really good at masking run blocking vs pass blocking