Eventual O-Line Vulnerability?

Our run blocking is elite. It is currently nearly unstoppable and has the league in a frenzy to stop it. The issue is, what if a team DOES stop it? What if we get behind and are forced to pass? We get lucky on home runs but the line is not built to pass block. Im worried about this one dimensional aspect of our line if a team goes up on us a couple scores and tees off on our line forcing us to pass. We are so starstruck by the rungame we need to consider what happens if its not going so well.
That is the question. Carr has not really proven to be a very good comeback QB in the past. He is best using play action and that goes out the window when you are playing catchup. I also have concerns about Penning continuing to keep the pocket clean when there is not a threat of a running game. We’ll see. Only time will tell. The key…as it has been in prior weeks…is to get an early lead. We’re going to be just about unstoppable in that scenario