Eventual O-Line Vulnerability?

OP has valid concerns.

1. Speed. This gives you more cushion on the outside and opens up the quick passing game.
2. Motion and misdirection. This causes defenses to hesitate for a fraction of a second making it easier on your oline.
3. Versatility. Taysom, AK and Sheed can line up all over the place making it difficult to key on certain player packages.
4. Defense. If you have a good defense, then it should prevent your offense from getting into this position too often.

This team has a lot less to prove. How will they play in tight games? How will they handle adversity? How will Kubiak handle adjustments as the season progresses.

The more a team shows out, the more they get studied by both offensive and defensive minds around the league. The more you get studied, the more defects become apparent. Which then asks the question, how will we adjust?

This has been a well built team for years. Execution on the offense has held this team back the last two seasons. I had huge doubts this could be fixed but they've blown me away. Now that they have, we've already won and everything else is just a fun ride from here.