Marshmallow test

I referenced this over at MAP in a reply to someone, and that someone gave me a face palm emoji :hihi:

Obviously there is room for standardization... after all, we wouldn't be were we are as a civilization without some common understandings/standards. But when it comes to behavior, and especially trying to measure mental capacity, we definitely need to account for cultural differences.

Frankly, that should be very obvious... a graduate researcher from a major university should've known about this, and not be surprised by it.

I think the marshmallow test has been around for quite awhile (decades?)

It’s also not just testing

I read an article talking about how someone’s home dynamics influences how they act in school

A kid who lives in a house with parents, grandparents and six siblings may have to yell to be heard or noticed

And if you see something you want you better take it because if you wait to ask it’s gone

Which doesn’t translate well to a classroom