Meanwhile Sean Payton is Sean Paytoning in Denver {Thread from September Bumped }

And your attempt at a "gotcha" was incredibly lame.....2006, 2009 we had great balance, 2 of the best seasons the Saints have ever just literally.....glossed over those.....
I literally already covered those years and if you even clicked on any of my posts you probably would have seen me talking about those years. Because all those posts are from a time when we were living in pass happy town. No one, not just not me, but no one here is propping up DA.

Your entire point hinges on the fact that Payton was forced to run the ball more towards the end of Brees's career because Brees's arm was toast. I literally shared posts from being in the middle of dealing with Payton's tendencies, not cherry picked articles... figurative "Ukraine tweets from the front lines" during the middle of the battle of dealing with Payton abandoning the run. Not platitudes, not anecdotes, live action discussions from the middle of it.