Elon Musk makes $43 Billion offer for private buyout of Twitter

The thing is, 'you can't shout fire in a crowded theater' never really was the law - that was dicta from a Supreme Court case in 1921 about the Espionage Act and Justice Holmes was musing generally about the limits of free speech in a case where the Court upheld the arrest for violating the act with conduct (demonstrating against the draft) that would easily be considered free political speech by modern standards. I think it has stuck in the minds of people for generations because it's easy to understand and it's sensible . . . but it isn't really accurate as to the First Amendment when it comes to problematic misinformation. It's highly contextual.

The actual legal standard comes from a 1969 case that involved the arrest of KKK members in Ohio. In Brandenburg, the Court ruled that the standard for when violent speech is no longer protected by the First Amendment is when it is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action”. Imminent is the key term - it can't be some generalized notion of violence.
In your opinion, could the same reasoning you displayed in the last paragraph be used for online lies? (I hate the terms misinformation or disinformation - they're lies)

Online lies have incited an insurrection, caused a pizza place in NJ to have armed men show up to stop a nonexistent human trafficking ring that they didnt run out of a basement the building didn't have. And most recently, online lies were amplified so much that LEGAL Haitians immigrants are living in fear and having to close public schools - a constitutional right (14th amendment though not explicit) mind you.

At what point can the case made that online lies do reach the level? How many people need to be radicalized online and act violently before online lies are considered "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action”?

I say now is the time to hold people responsible. Otherwise, we are going to be waiting for a tragedy so profound it will force the change. I'd rather not have a bunch of people die for us to realize you should have at least as much responsibility for the words that come off your keyboard as the ones that come out of your mouth.