Is it a Trifecta Week?

When I grew up in New Orleans, the Big Three football teams during each season was Tulane, LSU, and the Saints. In those days the LSU-Tulane game was an annual rivalry game that was hardly a genuine rivalry because the Tigers generally dominated the Wave save for a few seasons during my childhood, and thus I backed the Tigers during those matchups.

But any other week I always wanted all three teams to win so that all the local favorites would produce the Trifecta that would make us feel proud as southeast Louisiana football fans.

But the problem back then was that it was extremely rare that all three teams would play well enough to win on the same weekend. It was so rare in fact that news and radio stations made a big deal when Tulane, LSU, and the Saints would achieve that feat.

Well times have changed and in the last decade or so there has been many more opportunities and successes to achieve that longed-for football Trifecta. But I still consider it a special weekend when all three of these teams can earn the ‘W’ on the same weekend. This is why I’m extra excited about the Saints game tomorrow. Now that the Tigers and the Wave have done their part, it’s all up to the Saints tomorrow to complete the Trifecta.

So let’s hope that we all get our wish and see the Saints seal the deal against the Eagles. That’ll be one more reason to yell Who Dat extra loudly tomorrow! :9: