Alright Brandon, and our other fellow economists in here, help us out a little.
What is a man like me to do in this situation? First, some background: I have been saving for quite some years in the military (actually, almost the entire time), have some mutual funds, saving in the TSP program for many years as well. I am already set for me and my misses if I retired from the military today. I may stay for 30, to get 75% retirement or I may get out and work 20 years somewhere else. Bottom Line...I will be continuously saving for at least another 20 years.
I feel like I am the average american middle class (maybe considered upper, if all my investments are calculated) and have no idea how to make any of this work to my advantage. The housing market, oil situation, sliding dollar, rising gold prices and the unstable market makes me want to tear a hole in my bed mattress or the hem of our curtains. I know that I am not alone here...