The dollar getting hammered. Gold could break $1k and ounce tomorrow.

A lot of people are buying up real estate and housing since the prices have fallen so much and they are using this to both hedge the dollar and as an investment for when prices go up. This is risky since the real estate bottom still hasn't been found.

This is the option that we are seriously considering. Thanks for the response. I actually got much of the same from a relative that works for a Major finance company. FYI, he says its a rip-off and is all about frontloading customers. I agree and try to tell my Soldiers as much...hint, they service the military and are around almost every base.

I am very protective of what I have worked hard, yes, much of what you do would scare the bejeezus outta me. Guess I will continue to watch the housing market and purchase more investments when I see the prices start rising. If nothing else, they will always be my proppity (in the immortal words of tom, himself). Thanks B.