Disappointed in season ticket holders

The cost of everything is part of the issue too. After tickets, parking or ride share, drinks, food, etc. It’s a $500 day in most cases. This fan base has a lot of blue collar fans. Not everyone can do that every other weekend for 6 months. And if some fan from another team wants to pay 7 bills for a ticket. That’s hard to pass up for some folks. The NFL is slowly being priced out of range for middle class Joe. It sucks.

According to google, Louisiana ranks ahead of just West Virginia and Mississippi in average income.

It is $4.99 for a bottle of water at a Saints game.

Inflation has been insane and companies are not doing anything to scale salaries to adjust for it.

The amount of people I know who are season ticket holders and sell their tickets to a few of the high profile games and use that money to pay for next season's season tickets is... all of them.