Defensive formation on 3rd and 16 in Eagles game.

Not to be argumentative, but I think there is a massive difference between playing soft zone on every down at the end of the half/game and when it's 3rd and 16. The former is a overall strategy for an entire defensive possession and the latter is an individual situational play call during a defensive possession.

I get that and I was joking. I just disagree that it was a bad call in that situation. Was it riskier than playing zone? Sure. But that's the nature of the way DA calls a defense and it's one of the things I actually like about him. I think most times it pays off. It didn't in this situation but only because normally reliable players inexplicably ran into each other.

Anway, I would really like to look at the play again and see exactly what coverage they were in on the backend. It looked to me like they had a safety over the top and Harris was shadowing Goddart across the field. So, it's not like it was just full sellout man coverage. But, maybe I saw it wrong in real time and I have not seen the play since then. If they really were just going full man on everyone, I agree it was too risky. But, if they did have a safety over the top I still don't have an issue with the call. But, I know you disagree and that's cool.