Defensive formation on 3rd and 16 in Eagles game.

Doesn't even have to be a soft zone. You can play a "match" coverage with someone manning up on Goeddert while everyone else is in zone (unless they go deep). But do not play straight up man when the opposing team has the clock on their backs. Much less blitz off it. Remember the the 49ers 2011 playoff game. Terrible terrible call.

As I mentioned in response to Elvis, I would really like to look at the play again and see exactly what coverage they were in on the backend. But, it looked to me like they had a safety over the top and Harris was shadowing Goddart across the field. So, it's not like it was just full sellout man coverage. But, maybe I saw it wrong in real time and I have not seen the play since then.

Also, I don't think they blitzed on that play, but I'd like to see the play again to see exactly what they did.