SNF: Chiefs vs Falcons

I feel teams have gotten too tied to what the analytics say. Plenty of examples of giving up easy FGs, missing the 4th down play, and putting their teams in bad situations.
The problem with the analytics saying go for it on 4th is that the sample size was smaller than the kick or punt sample size. Now that more teams are going for it on 4th, we're starting to see why teams historically punted or kicked FG's on 4th.

Until you are absolutely certain you only have one possession at most left in the game, you take the points. The Saints could have had 4 easy points today that they passed on when each team likely had more than one possession left and they both did.

The 49er's did it tonight. Kick the 1st FG late in the game and they could have had a chance at kicking a game winning FG on their last possession.