Defensive formation on 3rd and 16 in Eagles game.

I get that and I was joking. I just disagree that it was a bad call in that situation. Was it riskier than playing zone? Sure. But that's the nature of the way DA calls a defense and it's one of the things I actually like about him. I think most times it pays off. It didn't in this situation but only because normally reliable players inexplicably ran into each other.

Anway, I would really like to look at the play again and see exactly what coverage they were in on the backend. It looked to me like they had a safety over the top and Harris was shadowing Goddart across the field. So, it's not like it was just full sellout man coverage. But, maybe I saw it wrong in real time and I have not seen the play since then. If they really were just going full man on everyone, I agree it was too risky. But, if they did have a safety over the top I still don't have an issue with the call. But, I know you disagree and that's cool.
Looks very man to me, but I'll let someone smarter than me about defenses analyze it. Harris was not ready to cover the TE and it looks like Howden came down and blew up Lattimore following his guy. The corners looked like they were doing their jobs, but there was no plan for the guy who had been gashing them all day. It seriously reminds me of when Vernon Davis was running through our defense.