Now teams about to copy what the Eagles’ defense did to the Saints offense.

I saw it and I am not saying it hurts losing McCoy but the entire O-Line played terrible the entire game even on their TD drives this goes beyond one person.
This an extreme underestimation of what happened. McCoy being replaced by Patrick, who was playing Left Guard at a very high level, left a hole at Left Guard. That spot experienced a huge drop off with Udoh. Patrick was not playing well at Center, not only blocking, but his shotgun snaps were floating to Carr instead of gunning to him. It's likely that they had to shift the offensive line philosophy a little bit as well. I can't claim to know the ins and outs of the scheme, but from what I understand, it relies heavily on everyone knowing what the other is doing through practice repetitions. Between the talent drop off and the lack of practice time together, the offensive game plan was wrecked.