We lost. Get over it. Its Falcons Hate Week!

We won't be saying this if we are fighting for a wild-card playoff berth with Philly near the end of the season.
Of course not, but all of the overreacting on Saints Report won't change it. Not saying that you have been overreacting, but the majority are. The truth is, as we see every year in the NFL. Last week means absolutely nothing going into the next week. Sure, teams try to mirror what other teams do, but the NFL and most of professional sports are all about matchups. Sometimes certain teams have the personnel to expose matchups while others do not. Sometimes you catch teams with the potential to be good teams (like the Eagles) in a desperate spot. For those of us who bet on the sport, and I know a lot about this part does not matter but it is witnessed yearly. Teams coming off a blowout win playing a team that is coming off a gut-wrenching loss usually does not end well for the team coming off the blowout win. There are decades of proof of this. Particularly when you are talking about the point spread but even the outcome.

That situation was going to be tough for the Saints even if healthy, then mix in there that you are playing a defensive coordinator with 40+ years of experience and one that is being questioned for his effectiveness, on top of some key injuries before and during the game and you get what we saw. This loss was much more about the situation and the circumstances than the Saints' deficiencies. Sucks that we are the only NFC South team to lose to an NFC opponent yesterday and sucks that we lost to the team that Atlanta just got lucky to beat. I get it. It could hurt down the road, but that is why next week is the most important game we have played probably since the 2020 season when we last made the playoffs.