Kenny Wilkerson

...Listened to the Bob Mitchell show for the first time the other night since it was a show on the Saints. He came off as rude to other when they held a different opinion as his. Kind of odd I think for someone who works where he does? During the program he told both his cohost and caller to keep quiet and to let him talk when they had already disagreed about bringing in Shockey. I actually agreed with him on it but still felt that was rude of him. Does he usually come off like that?

If this is the same Robert Mitchell that used to be a local DJ at WTIX (shows how far back I go :covri: ) and elsewhere and went by "The Real Robert Mitchell", then I have known him for 37 years. Not friends, but casual acquaintances. Same circles kinda thing. He is a great guy and as friendly a person as you might want to know. Not living in N.O. anymore, I haven't talked to him in a good while and was unaware that he was now doing sports - if indeed it is the same person (seems likely to me).

It makes me wonder if this is an attitude encouraged by management as controversy often drives ratings...