US ports longshoremen’s strike (East and Gulf coasts)

oh i dont doubt it for a second. We should have long moved to automation port side.

But- as you can see here, the reason we havent....a small group of unionized Americans are holding a large chunk of commerce and trade "hostage" to bleed as much money out the system before THEY retire. They arent worried about the next generation of dock workers- they know what is coming.

This is a power-play - coordinated at the precise moment that gives them as much leverage as they can garner ( ie public support by politicians running for office, public support for the "little guy" etc etc ). Gotta hand it to them, they could have done this 8 months ago. This was calculated.
As a dancer we always knew (bc we were always told) that there were dozens/hundreds waiting to take our spot
(Of course we had no union)
We wanted $10 more per day for rehearsals and to have our own hotel room if a tour lasted more than three days
Seemed beyond reasonable but director kept dithering
It was last day of rehearsal - tour started next day (no way they could replace us in time), and we said we’re not getting on the plane without these demands met
Director didn’t even meet us, just told company manager to say fine we agree just get on the plane