Actor/Actress with the Most Impeccable "Nerd" Credentials

I'm not saying convention hanky panky happens anywhere near as much as for the male actors but I'd be stunned if it's never happened

Doesn't @GrandAdmiral go to a lot of cons?

I'd be interested to hear his opinion
I go to at least 5 or so each year (prepping for New York now).

"Hanky panky" has happened in the past, but since the days of #MeToo and increased attendance due to popularity of the various genres, that's been virtually eliminated. I would imagine it's still possible at the extremely large events like SDCC where they hold events off-site during the event, but yeah, no. Marina isn't inviting me to any empty room for fun. She'd do better just inviting me to her hotel room.

(On another note, Marina Sirtis looks so much better with age today than as Donna Troi on ST: TNG).