US ports longshoremen’s strike (East and Gulf coasts)

I see people calculating dockworker's pay based on 40+ hours.

They're on a seniority list. They get a phone call after 4pm the night before to find out if they are needed to work. No call= no work. Low seniority guys have to show up and hope that a higher seniority guy doesn't show up or if more are needed. Maybe they get picked up, maybe they wasted a day waiting.

Here in the Great Lakes district the guys are seasonal. They save those "Great" paychecks because shipping shuts down due to the threat of the St. Lawrence seaway freezing. They go four months with no work. Indiana fights unemployment for seasonal workers. To qualify for insurance, pay increases, pension, off-season assistance, etc they have to meet an hours quota to qualify for the next year. first year = no benefits. They work seven days per week for eight months (the good months) to have benefits. The guys here don't do containers. They do break bulk work unloading an item at a time the old fashioned way. If no ships come in, they don't work.