US ports longshoremen’s strike (East and Gulf coasts)

This is just moving the goalposts to have ‘selfishness’ be defined as ‘that which helped us survive’

I am not moving goal posts and I'm not defining selfishness as that which helps us survive. In nature, prior to the creation of "civilization" and society, selfishness is the key to survival. It only makes sense to help others if helping them makes you safer and makes it easier for you to survive. It's at the core of why we formed "civilization" and why we agree to give up the freedom to do anything to enter into society. It's the whole social contract thing - Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau. It's not because we want to help others, it's because we realize that by giving up the right to do anything we make ourselves safer and increase our odds of surviving in a brutal world.

The fact is that sharing and caring about others is a learned behavior that is taught so that you can co-exist in society. We don't need to teach children to act in their own self-interest. We need to teach them to share and care about others in order to exist in society and make the society that mutual protects us all stronger. To the extent that people remain selfish, it's society's failure to effectively motivate people to go against their nature, it's not society teaching them to be selfish.

It's why we need laws because our nature is to do things that break those laws. It's why sociopaths often kill, act completely in their own self-interest, and don't understand the pain caused to others. They act purely on their nature because they aren't capable of understanding the rules of "civilized" society or complying with social norms.

Hell, it's part of the the reason home schooling is bad and why homeschooled kids often turn into unsocialized, selfish brats. School is one of the ways that we socialize children to sacrifice their natural instinct to only act in their own self-interest and teach them to cooperate socially.

Given your emphasis on "rebuking", you clearly feel strongly that people are good at base and that somehow society makes them bad, but I don't see any evidence of it.