Israel (now broader Mid East discussion)

While you may say its glib and one-sided, there is a lot more truth in her statement than there are omissions and falsehoods. Lebanon was a vibrant, multicultural society with a great economy until the PLO started to use Southern Lebanon as a staging ground for attacks on Israel. Any differences between the Maronite Christian population and moderate Islamic parties could have been settled peacefully without Arafat et. al. fanning the flames of hatred against Israel (and by association, the Christian population).
"Lebanon had an open border policy, we wanted to share our knowledge with our Muslim neighbors. But then they became the majority, they started slaughtering the Christians who welcomed them," is one-sided and dangerously misleading, and on reflection, that's putting it mildly. Even just contrasted with your own summary above (which is also grossly over-simplified, because you can't summarise the history, tensions, and other dimensions necessary to understanding the conflict in a couple of sentences, which is why I linked to the detailed wikipedia article as a starting point instead of trying to summarise it myself).