There oughta be a law against....

There oughta be a law against American cheese.. ok i realize already that they legally cant just call it ‘cheese’ on the packaging, i believe it says ‘processed cheese product’ or something - but it’s the nastiest substance on the planet, and it should be illegal for a restaurant to say ‘Would you like cheese on that ?!’ .. and then it comes out with processed cheese chemical sh**storm product oozing off of it .
Depends on what the meal is. Making a sandwich? Nah, would rather have some real good cheese.

95 degrees outside and we just grilled hotdogs? I am opening my hot dog bun, putting a kraft american cheese slice in the bottom, putting the hotdog in on top of said cheese, ripping off the overage on each side of the bun, putting the overage on top of the hot dog, and putting it in the microwave for 10 seconds. No other condiments. Best home hot dog ever, doesn't work with any other kind of cheese.

A place for everything, everything has it's place.