There oughta be a law against....

I believe we have had this conversation before.. you may be correct, im not sure- i do know that for the purposes of this thread, the American cheese im referring to that cheap-arse restaurants insist on using, and that the responses (ie the knuckleheaded meme someone posted, and the hot dog guy) are talking about are “Kraft slices” and it’s derivatives .

We may have talked about this before. I'm nothing if not repetitive. Plus, I'm old and forget things.

But, I think even the not real cheese has it's place. I would not put it on a hot dog or a burger for that matter, but there is something comforting about it on a grilled cheese sandwich. Probably has to do with the association to childhood. I feel the same way about a McDonal's cheeseburger. It's not really food or a cheeseburger, but there is an association with childhood that somehow makes it "good". Although I usually go many years between having one.